From Here - Working with place and young people
Lou Brodie and Lyra Theatre
Young People from Craigmillar and Niddrie come together with some artists to discuss their project FROM HERE.
From Here is a multi media, arts and heritage project created in collaboration with Lou Brodie, Lyra Theatre, Historic Scotland and young people from Craigmillar and Niddrie.
The From Here project has offered space and resource for young people to curate and commission their own events and works of Art inspired by their relationship to local heritage. Beginning in March and for over 6 months these young curators have been collaborating with and commissioning a performance artist, visual artist, sound artist, film artist and photographer to create work that responds to and celebrates their contemporary and historical heritage.
The talk will explore the nature of collaboration between young people and artists and will include invited guests from across Britain’s Art and Participation sector.
At the end of the talk the young curators and project team invite you to join them on a walk from Summerhall to Craigmillar along Edinburgh’s infamous innocent railway. Drinks and light refreshments will be provided at the end of the walk.
From Here is generously supported by Heritage Lottery, Historic Scotland and Imaginate
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