Return to the Voice

Song of the Goat commissioned by Eleven and Summerhall

- Venue: St.Giles Cathedral
- Age Suitability: U
- Times: 21.00, 22.30 (90 mins)

Note: This event is offsite, please meet at St Giles Cathedral

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Internationally acclaimed, multi award-winning Song of the Goat Theatre (Fringe First winners in 2012 & 2004) have been commissioned by Summerhall to create a new performance drawing on Scotland’s ancient musical traditions. Return to the Voice has been inspired by laments for death and love, working songs, story-telling songs, psalms, wedding songs, and songs of exile. It will be a passionate exploration of the spiritual and human importance of memory and music, staged in the stunning surroundings of St Giles Cathedral.

Each show will be preceded by a short concert from Gaelic and Scottish musicians: Linda Nicleòid, Gillebrìde MacMillan, Alasdair MacIlleBhàin, Joy Dunlop, Gillie Mackenzie, Màiri MacLeod, Allan Macdonald. Please see here for more information and to see who is playing which date.

Song of The Goat Theatre commissioned by Eleven and Summerhall. In association with the School of Scottish Studies Archives at the University of Edinburgh. Supported by Creative Scotland, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the Polish Cultural Institute

This event is offsite and will take place at St Giles Cathedral, High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1RE

Tickets will be available from our Box Office at St Giles Cathedral from 8pm for the performance beginning that night.

Tilleadh gu Guth

Tha cliù eadar-nàiseanta aig Song of the Goat Theatre agus tha iad air iomadh duais a chosnadh nam measg Fringe Firsts ann an 2012 agus 2004. Le cuireadh bho Summerhall tha iad air taisbeanadh òrain ùr a chruthachadh, stèidhichte air seann thraidiseanan ciùil na h-Alba. Tha Tilleadh gu Guth a’ tarraing a bhrìgh à marbhrainn is òrain gaoil, òrain luaidh, òrain aithriseach, sailm, òrain bainnse agus òrain eilthireachd. Bidh e na rannsachadh dìoghrasach air a’ spioradalachd agus an cudrom daonda a th’aig cuimhne agus ceòl, air a thaisbeanadh ann an suidheachadh iongantach Àrd-eaglais Naomh Giles.

Ro gach taisbeanadh aig Tilleadh gu Guth bidh consart goirid le luchd-ciùil Gàidhlig agus Albannach.

Song of the Goat Theatre le cuireadh bho Eleven agus Summerhall an co-bhuinn ri Tasglann Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, Institiud Adam Mickiewicz agus Institiud Chultarach na Pòlainn.

Director : Grzegorz Bral
Music: Maciej Rychły, Jean Claude Acquaviva
Music Director: Kacper Kuszewski
Cast: Anna Maria Jopek, Emma Bonnici, Henry McGrath, Illenia Cipollari, Julianna Blodgood, Kacper Kuszewski, Łukasz Wójcik, Maria Sendow, Monika Dryl, Paolo Garghentino, Rafał Habel, Christopher Sivertsen
Agent/Producer: Alicja Mankowska

With support from Creative Scotland and The Aadam Mickiewicz Institute.

For Songs of Lear - The Scotsman / The Herald / The List